Thursday, April 06, 2006

Dark clouds loomed over paradise...

I was trying to get caught up with some laundry as I hung the house out on the line. Looking up at the sky, I could tell by the dark clouds that something was brewing...

But, I told myself that it would probably just blow over...

The kids had just come home from school when the wind started howling... followed the a huge gust of wind and rain. The electricity flickered on/off then went out.

The boys joyfully found candles. My chicken soup simmered away on the gas stove.

About 45 minutes later the electricity came back on.

I went into the office to check email when I was comfronted by the wafting smell of burned electrical parts... OH No... Not the computer... please!!! I even started feeling the walls to check for a wiring fire. Nope that there, gratefully!

I abandoned the search to get supper on the table.

Turns out that the storm burned out one of our surge protectors. Well, guess it did it's job!

1 comment:

Busy Mom said...
