Saturday, April 29, 2006

15 Year Anniversary...

Rich and I went for dinner at the Rib & Chop House in Cody (Wyoming) to celebrate our 15nth wedding anniversary. It was yummy! And... it's always nice to get out for a while!!!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Tilling the Garden...

It was in the high 70's here today. Just glorious!

I went to Pamida and bought one of those neat reclining chairs for the yard. Also bought seeds: Peas, Green Beans, Corn... and some herbs... Cilantro and Basil. Got to get my tomato seeds planted. I'm a little behind! Hopefully I'm not too late!

My brother-in-law is out tilling the garden spot. That's a good sign!

This year we'll plant...
Yukon Gold Potatoes
Green Beans
Want to try lettuce this year.

I did a good amount of canning last year... tomato sauce, green bean, beets, corn and carrots. We've been enjoying my canned produced all winter!

Will you have a garden? What will you plant?

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Get-Away...

Rich took off Friday from work... and we escaped! Grandma & Granpa watched the kids.

We drove down state, went for dinner and stayed in a hotel. We went past Wind River where we drove through short tunnels in the mountain side and past the winding river... even had a nice little picnic there!

Down to Casper and Douglas we saw tons of antelope! The rolling green hills and flat grassy land made me feel as if I were on the top of a mountain. At one point we encountered fog so thick that you couldn't see a car length ahead!

It was a wonderful 2 day getaway! Wyoming is such a pretty state.... so much more to see! Would love to go to Jackson Hole next.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Dark clouds loomed over paradise...

I was trying to get caught up with some laundry as I hung the house out on the line. Looking up at the sky, I could tell by the dark clouds that something was brewing...

But, I told myself that it would probably just blow over...

The kids had just come home from school when the wind started howling... followed the a huge gust of wind and rain. The electricity flickered on/off then went out.

The boys joyfully found candles. My chicken soup simmered away on the gas stove.

About 45 minutes later the electricity came back on.

I went into the office to check email when I was comfronted by the wafting smell of burned electrical parts... OH No... Not the computer... please!!! I even started feeling the walls to check for a wiring fire. Nope that there, gratefully!

I abandoned the search to get supper on the table.

Turns out that the storm burned out one of our surge protectors. Well, guess it did it's job!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Happy April!

Happy April friends!

Our walk to school was a little nippy but our conversation was warm! We passed a cottonwood tree that is just ripe with leaf buds. What a site!

Aaron and I took bets as to when the leaves would open. He said Saturday. We'll see!

After a couple days of moisture, I've noticed that the grass is turning green. I love it when the countryside goes from shades of brown and beige to green!

Rich said that the irrigation water was being put into the canals on the 1st. I'll have to take a walk up there to see.