Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Country Post Office...

The country post office is not just a place to mail packages and buy stamps!

Our little post office is a happening place. Towns people stop and shoot the breeze while picking up mail from their post office box. Yup... no mail delivery here! Not enough people!

Often times there are a group of people gathered to talk about cows or whatever!

When I first moved here, the boys wanted to be in charge of getting the mail. No way! That's my social outing for the day! LOL!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Woke up this morning to a beautiful blanket of snow. Been so dry here all winter, I guess that we're going to have a wet fall.

Yesterday, was gorgeous, probably 60 degrees! Rich and I got back to work on our new home.
We're working on the porch now.

We're off to church in about an hour.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Looks like we're back to Spring weather. Going to be a nice one today!

Aaron brought his scout project to school today. Soup can stilts with twine! Clomp... clomp... What fun he'll have at recess!

We had our first book group meeting last night. For discussion was Letters to Emily. An easy and enjoyable read about a misunderstood grandfather whose letters shed new light into his life and who's life lessons create profound and much needed change in the family.

Once you get past chapter 2, it's hard to put down!

My older son turned 12 yesterday! We had cake and ice cream at Grandma's last night.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

It's as if we've come back in time at a least a generation to quiet streets and friendly people.

I love the peace of this little place... Coming from a suburb of Boston where cars, busses, trains, and yes... airplanes, and ambulance sirens drone out the sounds of birds and wrestling wind. I just like to sit outside on my garden bench sometimes and... be still.

Walked my little guy and my neice to elementary school this morning. One of the kids found a rock just right for kicking. Down the middle of the street we went enjoying passing the rock back and forth. No cars in sight... until we reach the main street or highway that runs through town.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

It's snowing!

Looks like we'll be getting all our moisture this Spring.

I looked out mid-morning to find big snow flakes coming down. We don't often get a wet snow here. Reminds me of a New England snow fall!

A friend just brought over a bunch of fresh eggs. So much better than store bought. Oh boy, I'm going to make some omelets and quiche sometime very soon.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Day for Yard Work

It was a beautiful sunny day here in northern Wyoming. The sun was so warm. We had a sourthern wind which was a little cold at different times throughout the day.

My husband and boys made a huge leaf pile on our garden. That took all morning into the early afternoon. Then the burning began. That took the rest of the afternoon.

We had lunch outside today. I decided that Spring was here so took my empty propane tank to the store to exchange it for a full one.

Burgers on the grill! Hmmmm. Shoot it's dark now. Got to go get my burgers. Can't wait to take that first bite of Spring!

PS... the yard looks so much better!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Life just got busier!

Why did I decide to sign the boys up for Karate on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 5:45-6:45?

I just finished with Wednesday's shuttling...
Cub Scouts 4-5pm drop off and pick up Aaron
Quick supper
Karate 5:45-6:45 drive kids over to next town and back...

Forgot to make supper in the morning... No supper ready...

Pick kids up from Karate...
Zoom older son to Boy Scout meeting at 7pm.

Crash in bed 9pm...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Another gorgeous day here. I went for a peaceful walk down the canal road this morning.

The kids are off from school today. They've been cleaning their room.... all day with frequent breaks. It's been such a mess!!!! Need I say more?

Ah, it's Friday. Date Night...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The day has warmed up beautifully! I've just been outside in the bright sunshine reading the paper.

When I first came to Wyoming, I couldn't believe how bright the sun was. I constantly found myself squinting. I had never owned a pair of sunglasses. Never really needed them back home even though I was outside a lot!

Now, my perscription sunglasses are on just about all the time... for driving ... for walking. So.. if you come to Wyoming for a visit. Know that the skies are bright and pollution free... and please DO bring your sunglasses.

Well, hubby and I are off to lunch.
Just finished a nice cup of hot chocolate. You know the sunshine was very misleading this morning. The past couple days have been glorious... so I assumed that it would be balmy this morning.

Well, by the time I got back from walking my little guy to elementary school my face was frozen, couldn't feel my ears and my legs were starting to get stiff!

Well, can't stay cold for that long today with this bright sunshine!

Welcome to Keith from Boston! Thanks for stopping by my new blog Keith!

I'm a Wyoming transplant. A city girl gone country. I've gone from the suburbia of Melrose MA to the peaceful countryside of this little town in northern Wyoming... not too far from the famous Buffalo Bill town of Cody.

Yes... country life... where the nearest Walmart is an hour away! And where you can 65mph to the nearest grocery store 9 miles away... And where traffic comes as a herd of cows are ushered to greener pastures!