Friday, January 19, 2007

Another chilly day here.

Happy Friday!!! It's date night Friday! Yeah!!!

Yesterday I won a gift certificate as a door prize at the Women's Business Roundtable luncheon. I was so pleased to see that it was to my favorite mexican restaurant, El Tapitao!

They have a shrimp fajita dish that is soooo good!

So... guess where we're going tonight?

What's on your agenda?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

May you be blessed...

A friend just sent me this movie link. If you need a little lift for your day... this is just perfect!

Toni's Musings...

My kitten chewed on my iPod headphones last night. Why did I leave them attached to my iPod while I charged it??? Why?

I've started plugging in my new Dodge Ram truck overnight. This is my first time ever "plugging in" an automobile. Starts up pretty good in the morning!

It's a balmy 6 degrees here this morning. We should be done with this deep freeze pretty soon. In the 3 winters that I've been here in northern Wyoming (I'm from Boston!), there seems to be a 2 1/2 week period of deep freeze then it starts to warm up.

Would be great to be a "snow bird." Of course... that wouldn't work while the kids are still in school.... But would be a wonderful future goal! Where would we go? Hmmm....

Monday, January 15, 2007

We are... for sure... in a deep freeze! -16 is pretty cold!

Just got my little guy off for school. We usually walk... but NOT today!

It'll sure be a heat wave when it warms up to 30 later this week!

We have snow covering the ground here. The mountains look so pretty covered in white.

I've started receiving seed catalogs. Fun to look forward to having a garden... when it's so cold now!

Last year I really enjoyed my lettuce. It was my first time growing it! My little guy was asking me about growing popcorn this year. That sounds like fun!

Friday, January 12, 2007

It is so cold today! Below zero... 11 degrees... below zero!!!

They said that it was coming... of course on the day that they said the cold was coming... it was a balmy 50 degrees! I couldn't even forsee it being -11! (If you have some extra warm degrees... would you send them this way?)

It's date night Friday! Yeah!!!!

In honor of the cold... we're going to have a "stay at home" date night. My netflix movies will be here today.
I'm going to make lasagna and meatballs for supper tonight! That should be yummy... then we'll make some popcorn.... got to have popcorn to truly enjoy a movie... right?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's snowing!

A blanket of snow is covering the land! We have only about a 1/2 inch of light fluffy snow, but it's still snowing!

Usually I walk my little man to school... but decided to drive today.

Sure looks pretty coming down! Hard to believe that yesterday it was 50 degrees, sunny... and just gorgeous!

I've come to know that weather in Wyoming is just like weather in New England... in that it changes pretty quickly.

I'm getting my eyes checked today. Been a couple years since my last appointment... shoot maybe longer!!! But... I believe that my eyes have actually gotten much much better!!! Helps that the air is so much clearer here in Wyoming.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Off to Billings!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Went skiing!

On the last day of Christmas break, we went skiing as a family... something that we've been talking about doing for the past couple years!

Even as we were heading out the door to Red Lodge Mountain in Montana... I was hesitant to picture myself on skis! Hey, I was a kid last time!!!

So, hubby, I and little man who is 9... we all took 1 1/2 lessons. Older son Matthew took off to the beginner slope (Miami Beach).

Before long little man was snow plowing his way down the beginner slope while I was still on the bunny trail practice my turns.

After lunch, my hubby decided that skiing just was NOT his thing. So I waited for my boys by the chair lift up to the beginner slope chair lift. (I wasn't brave enough to hop on by myself!)

After a long...while, along came my 12 year old... who's been several times skiing on school outings. He took off up the chair ride without me. Eventually little man came along.

He expertly guided thru the machine where you insert your ski lift ticket. The two of us get on the chair lift... as we went up and up (I'm mildly afraid of heights!)... he starts...
"Now mommy, don't look down... don't look up... don't drop your skis!
Mommy, you're going to fall off the lift when you get off!
Mommy, maybe the lady will slow the ride down for you...."

Well, I'm happy to report that I didn't fall down when I got off the chair AND... that the lady did slow down for me!

Oh my goodness was it beautiful at the top of the slope (Miami Beach). I beheld breathe-taking views of the mountain ranges all around. Just spectacular.

I slowly snow plowed my way down the mountain... practicing my turning.... till I thought that I would die!!! I had NO IDEA how much energy and exhersion it took to go down hill skiing!

It was a fun day!! Would love to go back again... as soon as my body stops hurting! LOL!
Just back from date night with my hubby.

We love to go out for dinner and a movie..... that's our thing!
Tonight we saw Night at the Museum.... very enjoyable!

Been on the cool.... burr side here. Please send some warmth... if you can spare it!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

The kids are back to school today! We had a fun Christmas break... shopping... going out to eat... shopping... and topped off by a fun day of skiing at Red Lodge Ski Resort!

About that ski trip...
I hadn't been skiing since I was a kid. 90 minutes of lessons did the trick. I spent most of the day on the bunny slope... "brushing up!" Then proceeded to the Miami Beach chair ride with my 9 year old son (his first day ever skiing)... Mom... don't look down... don't drop your skis... don't look up... Mom... you're going to fall down when you get off the chair... maybe the lady will slow it down for you... LOL!

Well, I didn't fall down... but 9 year old son Aaron DID!

OK... at the top of the Miami Beach trail... I beheld breathe-taking views of the mountain ranges. It was just gorgeous and sunny and beautiful up there. A real treat!

Aaron and I snowplowed our way ever so slowly down the mountain.


The day after Christmas with Walmart shopping cards in our hands... off we went to Billings MT to Walmart. OH MY GOODNESS! It was crazy busy there. What the heck was I thinking? Shoot, by the time I got hit by a young man pushing (full force ahead) his empty cart in the arm... that was it... I was ready to GO!

I must have forgotten about the craziness... because after a day of "rest"... we proceeded again to Walmart for more shopping at the Cody Wyoming store... which... was... less busy.


Christmas break went by pretty quickly here... we didn't get to go to the hot springs in Thermopolis! Oh man... would a good soak in the hot springs be really good... right now. I'm so soar from skiing!!!

Bye for now!