Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

The kids are back to school today! We had a fun Christmas break... shopping... going out to eat... shopping... and topped off by a fun day of skiing at Red Lodge Ski Resort!

About that ski trip...
I hadn't been skiing since I was a kid. 90 minutes of lessons did the trick. I spent most of the day on the bunny slope... "brushing up!" Then proceeded to the Miami Beach chair ride with my 9 year old son (his first day ever skiing)... Mom... don't look down... don't drop your skis... don't look up... Mom... you're going to fall down when you get off the chair... maybe the lady will slow it down for you... LOL!

Well, I didn't fall down... but 9 year old son Aaron DID!

OK... at the top of the Miami Beach trail... I beheld breathe-taking views of the mountain ranges. It was just gorgeous and sunny and beautiful up there. A real treat!

Aaron and I snowplowed our way ever so slowly down the mountain.


The day after Christmas with Walmart shopping cards in our hands... off we went to Billings MT to Walmart. OH MY GOODNESS! It was crazy busy there. What the heck was I thinking? Shoot, by the time I got hit by a young man pushing (full force ahead) his empty cart in the arm... that was it... I was ready to GO!

I must have forgotten about the craziness... because after a day of "rest"... we proceeded again to Walmart for more shopping at the Cody Wyoming store... which... was... less busy.


Christmas break went by pretty quickly here... we didn't get to go to the hot springs in Thermopolis! Oh man... would a good soak in the hot springs be really good... right now. I'm so soar from skiing!!!

Bye for now!

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